Understanding the Law of Gender Identity
and Expression
Robyn Gigl
There are an estimated 1.5 million transgender people in the United States
If you think any of these thoughts,
I have no reason to learn anything about transgender individuals;
I don’t have any transgender clients;
These issues don’t impact my current clients;
Transgender rights are not a major issue where I practice;
you are wrong!
Almost every lawyer, regardless of location or specialization, is virtually certain to
encounter the complex issues involved in this developing area of civil rights. Your clients
will expect you to know how to navigate these matters effectively and adroitly. This
program is designed to do just that.
Employees “transition” in the workplace. Do you think it is sound advice to tell your client to ignore it, or to terminate the individual because your state does not protect employees based on their transgender status? Think again. The EEOC, The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, and Presidential Executive Orders have put in place protections from job discrimination for transgender employees.
Your lack of knowledge could expose your clients to liability for back pay, front pay, compensatory and punitive damages, as well attorney’s fees.
Robyn B. Gigl, a practicing attorney, managing partner, author and frequent speaker on transgender legal issues, brings her unique perspective as a transgender woman to a program designed to provide practical guidance and immediately applicable strategies to navigate this little understood area.
Gigl uses her own personal story to humanize the issues involved and to present a different narrative of what many want to denigrate as a “lifestyle choice.” She will provide you with a checklist of “dos and don’ts” to help your clients approach these issues in a sensitive and
sensible manner to avoid costly litigation.
Gigl will also focus on the impact of the proliferation of Religious Freedom Restoration Acts (RFRA) in a number of states, and the interplay of state RFRA with existing federal law.
Program Agenda & Detail
6 Hours Including 1 Ethics
[Part I: 90 Minutes]
Cultural Competency and Ethical Obligations
Defining Terms
Who Are The “T” In LGBT
Gender queer and/or Gender Neutral
A Personal Journey
Putting A Human Face On The Issues
Questions (Including The Politically Incorrect Ones) & Answers
15 Minute Break
[Part II: 90 Minutes]
Workplace Issues
-Federal Law – Title VII, Equal Protection, ADA, Executive Orders and US Department of
Labor Guidelines
-State Law
Transitioning – what is involved
-Workplace Policies & Procedures
-Privacy Issues/HIPAA/Social Media
-Collaboration Between The Employer And The Employee
-The Rights Of Other Employees
-Practical Considerations – Bathrooms, Dress Codes & Pronouns
[Part III: 90 Minutes]
Student Transitions With or Without Medical Intervention
-Impact of Title IX & Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
-Names And Official Records
-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
-Privacy Issues/Social Media
-Bathrooms/Locker Rooms
Teachers/Administrators Transitioning
Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
Do these laws allow for discrimination against transgender individuals
-Religious exemption in Title VII
-Transgender employees may have more rights than LGB individuals
-Equal Protection
-The religious rights of co-workers
Bathroom Bills
15 Minute Break
[Part IV: 90 Minutes]
Family Law Issues
Marriage—same sex and opposite sex
Custody Issues
-Transgender Children—Transgender Parents
Nuts And Bolts Issues
Identity Documents
-Name Change/Birth Certificate/Driver’s License / Passport/Social Security
The Dos and Don’ts
Unconditional Guarantee
If you are not convinced that your understanding of the course topic has
improved after completion of any P.E.G.® seminar, we will refund your course tuition.